Duck and Goose hunting in Canada

Duck and Goose hunting in Canada

Waterfowl outfitting is one of those businesses that has a thousand moving parts and is one complected animal, if you really want to dissect all the variables. At the professional level we go straight the variables and try to make them all in of favor. It takes diligence and tenacity to identify them and make them sway our way. Good thing we’re good at that.

2017 waterfowl hunting season was by far one of our best well rounded outfitting seasons to date. For us all we are looking for is a steady flight from the north and conditions that allow us to hunt successfully and that we had. We were blessed with a fully booked season at the lodge with some great new friends and long time guests that are like family.

We would like to say thank to all for one hell of a waterfowl season.