The world’s most abundant duck species is the mallard and it’s not even a contest. They mainly eat submerged plants while pushing its long neck. Male mallard leaves its mate after she lays eggs and the ducklings keep following their mother and they swim behind her to seek protection. Mallards can weigh up to three and half pounds and reach a wingspan of up to three and half feet. Males have a metallic green head with an unmarked yellow bill and a white ring separating the neck from the chestnut breast. They are pale grey with areas of black and white outer tail feathers. Their tail feathers curl upwards, a unique feature among waterfowl and have reddish orange feet. Females are medium brown overall with a pale belly and face. They have a dark line running through the eye and an orange bill with orange feet.
They have a prominent green head and brown chest along with blue speculum. They can be found in temperate zones in nearly all northern hemisphere with some found in more southern locations.
Before hitting the water, mallards spread their feet to push on brakes and flap backwards and as long as the mallard stays on the water, it is safe from falcons because they only hunt in midair. They are generally aware of falcons and will fly to a safe place before the predator hunts them.
Mallards cover a wide range of feeding opportunities because they are efficient swimmers, due to their webbed feet as well as it’s extremely versatile body, ensuring it’s continued survival. Male mallards are called drakes while females are called ducks. Smaller than the male, female mallards are completely different in her appearance, displaying brown-streaked plumage to camouflage her as she sits on the nest. There is a sharp nail at the tip of the mallard’s bill which they use to pick tiny animals and graze grass. They are also able to bring out tiny animals with the help of a membrane which lines the inside of its bill.